Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Calendars and Existentialism

Today I received the annual reminder of the passage of time. Yes, August means it's time for calendars. All of a sudden the rest of the year hits me like a freight train. Before we know it will be winter and then 2009.

(2009 man! Where's the flying cars? Servant robots? and Intergalactic Civil War? I know I'm a nerd.)

I never thought I could be so accelerated by the sight of an Edward Hopper reproduction surrounded by boxes. I think it was Foucault who noticed that humans tend to focus and organized their time rigidly into schedules and workouts. He is right of course I realize as I schedule my workout.

The instant need for organization crops up as I look at day planners featuring dogs or flowers. Is it the chicken or the egg? Do I feel the need for a calendar because they exist? Or do calendars only exist if I need one? An existential dilemma to be sure. Anyway Sam Weller's does have some fine new calendars out, I'd suggest giving them a look.

If you'd like to read more of my book musings feel free to click here.

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