What makes a good book club? Is it a competent host? Couldn't be. Is it good treats? They sure don't hurt. Is it nice people engaging in spirited discussion about a book? Well, the nice people and the book sure help this equation. Is it that it's the last Tuesday of the month? Dunno. Is it perhaps an assortment of varied ideas about what we all just read? Could be. Or is it one of those tangly intangibles? Like uhh...oh I really don't have any idea. But I think it's one of those. Yes. It has to be.
Or is it an edgy book club? Let's dispel that whole idea right now. The Hardboiled Book Club is a book club for anyone 15-50 who wants to read a book and talk it out. Whether the edge is blunt or razor sharp, it's simply not there. So Dictionary.com (shout out!) says, and I'm only gonna list the 1st definition, cause it's humorous. Edgy: Nervously irritable; impatient and anxious. Aaaah. That takes me back to my first love, it was the Spring of 99, (OK, it was a crush, but at that time, my definition of love or anything remotely amorous, was well, nervously irritable).
I hope all of you reading this will think about coming to the next club. We meet on Tuesday (the last Tuesday of every month) at 6:30 and stay till around 8. February's book is The Girl On The Fridge (20% off at Sam Weller's'!). So, pull up a seat and join the discussion!
P.S. If you have any leather jackets (preferably with patches of Metal Bands on them that would be just great!). Give this damn club an edge.
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