I finished reading Bossypants by Tina Fey in a little over a week. For a lot of readers out there, that's not really that impressive considering the book is only 275 pages and is set in a slightly bigger font, but for those of you who know my terrible reading habits this is pretty amazing. (No, seriously, I honestly can't remember the last time I finished an entire book without jumping to a new one half way through the one I was currently reading. I call this phenomenon "Reader's ADD".)
In Bossypants, Tina Fey, vaguely, reveals where the scar on her chin came from, she tells us about her time touring with the infamous Second City with Amy Poehler, when she was interviewed for a writing job on Saturday Night Live by Lorne Michaels, the time she had to tell Sylvester Stallone to enunciate during her first week at SNL, and her time on the show on camera. Fey also writes about her multiple Emmy Award winning show, 30 Rock, dealing with things celebrities have to do, like photo shoots, trying to be a champion of brown hair to her daughter, the double standard about women in comedy, and, of course, her stint as Sarah Palin on SNL after she was no longer a cast member.
Fey writes in a personal, friendly way—making you feel as though she was just telling you a story over lunch (the lunch part might just be my imagination as she is my pretend best friend). It is engaging, honest, and very funny. Needless to say, I absolutely loved it and I was sad when it ended because I wanted more.
Project 1 progress so far.
9 years ago