On Saturday, January 22
nd at 4 PM, Sam Weller's Bookstore will be hosting a gathering of sensible citizens to discuss the upcoming Utah state legislative session. Our discussion will be led by Paul
Rolly of the Salt Lake Tribune and Rod Decker of
KUTV and moderated by Patrick A. Shea. We'll hear an overview of the likely topics for legislation, and we'll highlight the importance of sensibility in political discourse and in governance.
We'll have free Be $
ensible buttons (like the picture at the top of this post). When you wear this button in the store during the legislative session, Sam Weller's will give you 10% off new, used, and rare books (with just a few exceptions). That's our reward to you for helping to spread the message of sensibility.
Because sensibility begins with educational opportunity, we will be taking donations for
Bennion Elementary School's library during our gathering.
Bennion has given us a list of books that their library needs, and we'll be giving 20% off books from the list that are purchased for donation– and we'll deliver them.
Bennion is a Title 1 School in which 86% of the students are economically disadvantaged, but that’s not the whole story: Students at
Bennion speak over 19 languages and represent cultures around the globe, and their teachers have an average of 20 years experience accompanied by a deep commitment to the academic and personal progress of each child.
Be $
ensible will be conducting a contest throughout the 2011 Legislative session. Citizens will be asked to submit nominations to
www.besensible.org for the most sensible and the least sensible legislative acts and statements, the best alternative, and for the best Pat
Bagley cartoon which captures the 2011 session. Be $
ensible will gather for a post-session review on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at Sam Weller's, when awards will be presented for the winning nominations.
So come to Weller's tomorrow and help promote sensible governance and a bright future!